In August 2011, the village council of Al-Dayrat/al-Rifa‘iyya in the Hebron district and a coalition of human rights organizations, including Rabbis for Human Rights, submitted a petition to Israel’s Supreme Court seeking an end to home demolitions and the reinstatement of Palestinian local and district planning committees in Area C of the West Bank that were forcibly dissolved by Israeli military law in 1971. On 28 April 2014, the Court ordered the state to propose a decision within 90 days that would facilitate Palestinian inclusion in the local and district planning processes in Area C. In December 2014, Israel proposed to institutionalize the consultation process that is already taking place and has proven unsuccessful.
In response to the state’s unwillingness to reinstate the Area C local and district planning committees, over 400 rabbis and cantors from Israel, Europe, and North America addressed a letter to PM Benjamin Netanyahu calling for an end to administrative home demolitions and for the implementation of the Rabbis for Human Rights petition. The full text of the letter is presented below, and a list of signatories can be found at