Bibliography of Periodical Literature

    Ben-Madani, Mohamed. "Selective Ph.D. Theses Abstracts in English on Islamic Studies." MR 22, nos. 3-4 (97): 237-98.
    "Dokumente zu den Entwicklungen im Nahen Osten." Internationale Politik 52, no. 7 (Jul. 97): 77-136
    Humphreys, R. S. "Tradition and Innovation in the Study of Islamic History: The Evolution of North American Scholarship Since 1960." Islamic Area Studies Working Paper, no. 1 (98): 1-15.
    Mairi, Liés. "WissenschaftspolitikمModelle und Wahrnehmungen: Beispiel einiger Thesen B. Tibis (1995) und E. Gellners (1992)." Orient 38, no. 4 (97): 783-803.
    Monshipouri, Mahmoud. "The West's Modern Encounter with Islam: From Discourse to Reality." JCS 40, no. 1 (Win. 98): 25-26.
    Nafissi, Mohammad. "Reframing Orientalism: Weber and Islam." Economy and Society 27, no. 1 (Feb. 98): 97-118.
    Toru, Miura, and Hemmi Yukiko. "Report on the Present Condition of the Original Sources of the Islamic Area Found in Japanese Institutions." Islamic Area Studies Working Paper, no. 4 (98): 1-17.
    Wilson, Rodney. "The Contribution of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr on Contemporary Islamic Political Thought." JIS 9, no. 1 (Jan. 98): 46-59.

   al-Ahsan, Abdullah. "Elite-Formation under Colonial Rule: Capable Administrators or Loyal Servants?" Islamic Studies 37, no. 1 (Spr. 98): 29-56.
   Brummet, Palmira. "New Woman and Old Nag: Images of Women in the Ottoman Cartoons Space." Princeton Papers (Spr. 97): 13-58.
    Gerber, Haim. "Rigidity Versus Openness in Late Classical Islamic Law: The Case of Seventeenth-Century Palestinian Mufti Khayr al-Din al-Ramli." ILS 5, no. 2 (Jun. 98): 165-95.
    Katouzian, Homa. "The Campaign against the Anglo-Iranian Agreement of 1919." BRIJMES 25, no. 1 (May 98): 5-46.
    Shreih, Asmahan. "The Role of Ottoman Turkey in the Implementation of the Zionist Settler Project in Palestine" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 113 (Jul.-Sep. 98): 234-46.

    Abu Rab, Majduleen. "The Palestine Nakba and the Creation of the State of Israel: A Historical Narrative" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 113 (Jul.-Sep. 98): 13-34.
    Azzam, Fateh S. "Update: The Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen's Rights." HRQ 2, no. May 98 (20): 338-47.
    Bardenstein, Carol. "Threads of Memory and Discourses of Rootedness: Of Trees, Oranges and the Prickly-Pear Cactus in Israel/Palestine." Edebiyat 8, no. 1 (98): 1-36.
    Beck, Martin. "Strukturelle Probleme und Perspektiven der sozio–konomischen Entwicklung in den palä”stinensischen Autonomiegebieten." Orient 38, no. 4 (97): 631-51.
    Carré, Olivier. "Interrogation sur le viol en contexte musulman contemporain, notamment Palestinien." MR 22, nos. 3-4 (97): 221-36.
    Ghanem, Asaad. "The Binational State as a Palestinian Claim" [in Arabic]. SF 5, no. 18 (Spr. 98): 77-86. 
    Khalidi, Rashid. "Attainable Justice: Elements of a Solution to the Palestinian Refugee Issue." IJ 53, no. 2 (Spr. 98): 233-52.
    Legrain, Jean-Françءois. "Les 1001 successions de Yasser Arafat." MM, no. 160 (Apr.-Jun. 98): 3-29.
    ______. "Autonomie Palestinienne: La politique des nèo-notables." RMMM, nos. 81-82 (98): 153-206.
    Leiter, Kenneth C. W. "Life Under the Palestinian Authority." MEQ 5, no. 3 (Sep. 98): 41-50.
    al-Madi, Youssef, and Hatem Abbas. "The Demographic, Social, and Economic Characteristics of the Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon, Part II" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 112 (Apr.-Jun. 98): 236-60.
    al-Maw'ad, Hamad S. "Fifty Years of Refuge: The Camp and Palestinian Identity" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 113 (Jul.-Sep. 98): 180-95.
    "The Memories of Displacement after Fifty Years (Symposium)" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 34 (Spr. 98): 104-52.
    Milton-Edwards, Beverly. "Palestinian State-Building: Police and Citizens as Test of Democracy." BRIJMES 25, no. 1 (May 98): 95-120.
    Muslih, Muhammad. "Le Golan, état des lieux et enjeux stratégiques." REP, no. 16 (Sum. 98): 7-19.
    Nashwan, Hussein. "The Baqaa Refugee Camp" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 112 (Apr.-Jun. 98): 261-70.
    Ne'man, Issam. "Fifty Years of Zionist Occupation" [in Arabic]. MA 21, no. 231 (May 98): 4-18.
    Quigley, John. "Displaced Palestinians and a Right of Return." Harvard International Law Journal 39, no. 1 (Win. 98): 171-230.
    Salim, Muhammad 'Abd al-Ra'uf "The National Muslim Association and the Arab Political Movement in Palestine" [in Arabic]. MBDA 27 (Jul. 97): 77-135.
    Schechla, Joseph. "A Righteous Inconsistency: Applying International Norms to Population Transfer in Bosnia and Palestine." Critique (Spr. 98): 77-106.
    Shafir, Maher. "Fifty Years Since the Occupation of Palestine: Does Peace Have a Chance?" [in Arabic]. al-Tariq 57, no. 2 (Mar.-Apr. 98): 4-21.
    Shah, Samira. "On the Road to Apartheid: The Bypass Road Network in the West Bank." Columbia Human Rights Law Review 29 (Fall 97): 221-90.
    Shanti, Intissar K. "The Role of the Palestinian Mujahidun from the Partition Resolution to the Entry of Arab Armies" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 113 (Jul.-Sep. 98): 35-67.
    Shikaki, Khalil. "Peace Now or Hamas Later." FA 77, no. 4 (Jul.-Aug. 98): 29-43.
    Tamari, Salim. "Austérité montagnarde, indolence balnéaire . . . : L'opposition entre l'intérieur et le littoral palestiniens." REP, no. 16 (Sum. 98): 43-55.
    Wakim, Wakim. "The Palestinian Refugees in Their Homeland Since 1948" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 113 (Jul.-Sep. 98): 196-208.

    'Abd al-Hadi, Muhammad. "Zionist Land Settlement in Hebron" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 111 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 187-206.
    'Abd al-Hafiz, Muhammad. "The Zionist Scheme of Transfer and Land Settlement" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 111 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 144-68.
    'Adwan, Bissan J. "Land Settlement in the Zionist Literature" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 112 (Apr.-Jun. 98): 149-71.
    As'ad, Muna. "The Philosophy of Land Settlement: Racism and Violence" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 111 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 40-56.
    Breger, Marshall J. "The Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel: A Third Anniversary Perspective, Symposium." CULR 47 (Win. 98): 369-85.
    Deri, Aryeh. "Interview" [in Arabic]. SF 5, no. 18 (Spr. 98): 111-23.
    Dery, David. "Elected Mayors and De Facto Decentralization, Israeli Style." Local Government Studies 24, no. 2 (Sum. 98): 45-55.
    Eid, Jalal. "The Geopolitics of Israeli Settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 111 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 127-43.
    Emmons, Shelese. "Russian Jewish Immigration and Its Effect on the State of Israel." Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 5 (Fall 97): 341-56.
    Ghanem, As'ad. "The Limits of Parliamentary Politics: The Arab Minority in Israel and the 1992 and 1996 Elections." IsA 4, no. 2 (Win. 97): 72-93.
    Ghazzal, Mirvat. "The Economic Dimensions of the Zionist Land Settlement" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 111 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 108-26.
    Habib, Joseph. "The Emigration of Soviet Jews and Land Settlement in the Occupied Arab Territories" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 112 (Apr.-Jun. 98): 40-64.
    Haddad, Mu'in. "An Analysis of Post-Zionism" [in Arabic]. SA, no. 72 (May 98): 7-18.
    Haidar, Mahmoud. "Centenary of Zionism, Fifty Years of Israel: The Limits of Contradiction and Similarity" [in Arabic]. SA, no. 72 (May 98): 45-67.
    Hamada, Mu'tasim. "An Inside Look at Israel on its Fiftieth Anniversary" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 113 (Jul.-Sep. 98): 278-94.
    Hamdi, Iman. "The Zionist Peace Groups: Their Roots, Structure, and Limits" [in Arabic]. SA, no. 73 (Jun. 98): 7-17.


AJISS         (American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences)
APSR         (American Political Science Review)
ASQ           (Arab Studies Quarterly)
BESA         (BESA Security and Policy Studies)
BRCME      (Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East)
BRIJMES    (British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
CULR          (Catholic University Law Review)
FA              (Foreign Affairs)
FFWA         (Fletcher Forum of World Affairs)
FP              (Foreign Policy)
HRQ           (Human Rights Quarterly)
IJ                (International Journal)
IJMES         (International Journal of Middle East Studies)
ILS              (Islamic Law and Society)
IsA              (Israel Affairs)
JAOS          (Journal of the American Oriental Society)
JCS            (Journal of Church and State)
JED            (Journal of Energy and Development)
JIS              (Journal of Islamic Studies)
JP              (Jerusalem Post International Edition)
JPR            (Journal of Peace Research)
JR              (???)
JSPES        (Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies)
MA              (al-Mustaqbal al-'Arabi)
MBDA         (Majalla al-Buhuth wa al-Dirasat al-'Arabiyya)
MDF           (Majallah al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEI            (Middle East International)
MEJ            (Middle East Journal)
MEQ           (Middle East Quarterly)
MER           (Middle East Report)
MESA         (Middle East Studies Association Bulletin)
MHR           (Mediterranean Historical Review)
MISR          (Mershon International Studies Review)
MM             (Maghreb-Machrek)
MR             (Maghreb Review)
MUI            (Majallah li al-'Ulum al-Ijtima'iyya)
NYRB         (New York Review of Books)
PH              (Pakistan Horizon)
PI               (Politique Internationale)
PIJPEC       (Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
REP           (Revue d'études Palestiniennes)
RMMM        (Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée)
SA              (Shu'un al-Awsat)
SD              (al-Siyasa al-Duwaliyya)
SF              (al-Siyasa al-Filastiniyyah)
SI               (Samid al-Iqtisadi)
OLZ            (Orientalistische Literaturzeitung)
TWQ           (Third World Quarterly)
WI              (Welt des Islams)
WJW          (Washington Jewish Week)
WPBR        (Washington Post Book Review)


Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz