Reflections on the Peace Process and a Durable Settlement : A Roundup of Views Abdel Monem Said AlyRashid KhalidiIan S. LustickCamille MansourMoshe Ma'ozAnthony ParsonsWilliam B. QuandtEric RouleauGhassan SalameKhalil Shikaki Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 26 No. 1, Autumn 1996 Articles Abstract English
Eric Rouleau Talks about the Peace Process and Political Islam Eric Rouleau Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 22 No. 4, Summer 1993 Interviews and debates Abstract English
Eric Rouleau: A Middle East Prognosis Eric Rouleau Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 13 No. 2, Winter 1984 Interviews and debates Abstract English
Options and Risks after Camp David: An Interview with Eric Rouleau Eric Rouleau Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 8 No. 2, Winter 1979 Interviews and debates Abstract English