11 September, Terrorism, Islam, and the Intifada Muhammad Hussayn Fadlallah Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 31 No. 2, Winter 2002 Interviews and debates Abstract English
11 September, Terrorism, Islam, and the Intifada Muhammad Hussayn Fadlallah Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya Issue. 49 , Winter 2002 Interviews and debates Abstract Arabic
Islamic Unity and Political Change Muhammad Hussayn Fadlallah Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 25 No. 1, Autumn 1995 Interviews and debates Abstract English
A Comprehensive Dialogue with 'Allama Sayyid Muhammad Fadlallah on His Ideological Formation and His Attitudes Toward the Prominent Issues that Occupy the Arab Homeland and the Islamic World Muhammad Hussayn Fadlallah Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya Issue. 23 , Summer 1995 Interviews and debates Full text Arabic
The Peace Conference: Calendar of the Madrid Stage, Prospects for the Next Stages (Interviews) Ibrahim GhoshehAbu Ali MustafaElias ShoufaniJamil HilalGeorge DibAbdullah HouraniAli JarbawiMuhammad Hussayn FadlallahNayef HawatmehAdnan Abu OdehGamil MattarMohammad Sayyed Ahmad Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya Issue. 8 , Autumn 1991 Interviews and debates Full text Arabic
The Palestinians, the Shi'a, and South Lebanon (Interview) Muhammad Hussayn Fadlallah Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 16 No. 2, Winter 1987 Articles Abstract English
Réflexions sur la résistance Muhammad Hussayn FadlallahIbrahim MohsenKarim Mroueh Revue d'études palestiniennes Issue.16 , Summer 1985 Essays Abstract French