Forging Justice from Below: Palestinians, Indigeneity, and Abolition Alex Winder Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 50 No. 3, 2021 Essays Abstract English
JPS “Hidden Gems” and “Greatest Hits”: Rise Up and Write; Palestinians Making History Alex Winder Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 50 No. 1, 2021 Essays Abstract English
1948 and Its Shadows Beshara B. DoumaniAlex Winder Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 48 No. 1, Autumn 2018 Essays Abstract English
The Insidious Power of Permits Alex Winder Jerusalem Quarterly Issue. 75 , Autumn 2018 Reviews Abstract English
Medieval City, Modern Nostalgia: Jerusalem, 1000-1400 Alex Winder Jerusalem Quarterly Issue. 70 , Summer 2017 Reviews Abstract English
With the Dregs at the Sambo Café: The Shrouf Diaries, 1943-1962 Alex Winder Hawliyat al-Quds Issue. 16 , 2013 Articles Abstract Arabic
With the Dregs at the Sambo Café: The Shrouf Diaries, 1943-1962 Alex Winder Jerusalem Quarterly Issue. 54 , Summer 2013 Articles Abstract English
Dalman for All Seasons Alex Winder Jerusalem Quarterly Issue. 55 , Autumn 2013 Reviews Abstract English
The "Western Wall" Riots of 1929: Religious Boundaries and Communal Violence Alex Winder Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 42 No. 1, Autumn 2012 Articles Abstract English
Kabha: The Palestinian Press as Shaper of Public Opinion, 1929–39: Writing up a Storm Alex Winder Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 37 No. 3, Spring 2008 Reviews Abstract English