مقام شمعون الصدّيق واختفاء ظاهرة العربيّ اليهوديّ في حيّ الشيخ جرّاح
Special Feature: 
Simon’s shrine
religious festival
nationalist ideology
pilgrimage sites
Shaykh Jarrah
Author biography: 

Salim Tamari is a sociologist and a research associate at the Institute for Palestine Studies in Ramallah. His most recent book is Camera Palaestina (with Stephen Sheehi and Issam Nassar, University of California Press, 2022). The author is indebted to Yazan Kopty for making available the unpublished photographs of Maynard Owen Williams in the National Geographic Archive (1927), and to Alex Winder and Arpan Roy for their generous reading and helpful comments on the earlier draft of this essay.