لا جسر يأخذك إلى الوطن: استذكار لتهجير فلسطينيّي الأغوار المحتلّة من خلال أرشيف الأونروا
Jordan Valley
UNRWA archives
oral history
images and displacement
1967 War
Palestine refugees
Author biography:
Atwa Jaber is a doctoral researcher in international history and politics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. His work focuses on the relationship between forced displacement, collective memories, and oral histories, particularly concerning the Jordan Valley. He would like to thank the JQ guest editors Francesca Biancani and Maria Chiara Rioli and the two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and feedback, and Nicole Bourbonnais for her valuable thoughts on an earlier version of this article. The research for this article received funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation [grant number 203937]