عطشان، سائد وكاثارينا غالور. "المثلث الأخلاقي: الألمان والإسرائيليون والفلسطينيون"
Author biography: 
Anna-E. Younes is a German Palestinian independent scholar and consultant focusing on theories of race and whiteness in Germany, post- and settler-colonial theory, psychoanalysis, and figurations of Jewishness and Muslimness in relation to the Middle East conflict and European nationalism. Her dissertation was called “Race, Colonialism and the Figure of the Jew in a New Germany” (PhD diss., Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2015). Younes has written about anti-Palestinian repression in her academic and policy work (European Islamophobia Reports on Germany; 2015, 2017, 2018). Her work can be found at https://annaestheryounes.net.