مفهمة فلسطين الحديثة: نماذج من المعرفة التحررية
إشراف وتحرير
عبد الرحيم الشيخ
تدقيق وتحرير لغوي
سناء حمودي
مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية
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يشتمل كتاب "مفهمة فلسطين الحديثة: نماذج من المعرفة التحررية" على سبعة أبحاث أكاديمية تبحث عدة عناصر من الكلاسيكيات الكبرى للهوية الوطنية الفلسطينية: أرضاً، وناساً، وحكاية. وقد شارك فيه سبعة مرشحين من برنامج الدكتوراه في العلوم الاجتماعية في جامعة بيرزيت، كمساهمة في القول على معاني فلسطين: هويةً وقضيةً. وتشكِّل فصول الكتاب، خطوة من داخل فلسطين المحتلة على طريق مفهمة فلسطين الحديثة من خلال مداخل حقلية ومنهجية متعددة تقارب فلسطين المذرَّرة جغرافياً وديمغرافياً، والمتعددة ثقافياً، بأدوات تراعي أصليَّة المواد في قيد البحث وأصلانية مناهج الباحثين التي تراوح بين دراسات ما بعد الاستعمار، والدراسات الأصلانية، والبحث المحارب. وقد أتاحت هذه التوجهات الحقلية والمنهجية للباحثين نقداً مزدوجاً للثبات الأيديولوجي لمشروع الاستعمار الاستيطاني الصهيوني، والتحوُّل الذي أصاب مشروع التحرر الوطني الفلسطيني، على المستويات السياسية والاجتماعية والثقافية.

À propos de l’auteur

Abdul-Rahim al-Shaikh, Professor of Philosophy and Cultural and Arab Studies at Birzeit University. His academic work focuses on nationalism, identity politics, Arabic poetry and translation. His artistic criticism focuses on visual expressions of Palestinian identity. His recent publications include: The Darwish Syndrome: Changes in Palestinian Culture 1964 – 2021 (2021); Rasim al-Da'ira (2021); The Other Voice: An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Change (2020).

email address: [email protected]

Fayruz Salem, PhD candidate in the Social Sciences program at Birzeit University, preparing a dissertation entitled “Producing and Managing Vulnerability/Resilience in Area C in the West Bank."  She completed a master's in international studies at the same university with a dissertation entitled “The Emerging Art of the Possible: Turkish Policies in the 21st Century.” She works in rural development and her research interests in anthropology have focused on rural and marginalized areas of Palestine.

email address: [email protected]

Kholoud Nasser, PhD candidate in the Social Sciences program at Birzeit University, preparing a dissertation on “The agency of Palestinian Society in the face of hydro-apartheid imposed by Israel”. She has a master's degree in public and community health from the same university, a bachelor's degree in laboratory medicine from al-Quds University, and a diploma in strategic planning. Her research interests lie primarily in the field of social sciences but span across several areas such as public health, political ecology, and education.

email address: [email protected]

Ashraf Bader, Lecturer in the Philosophy and Cultural Studies Department and PhD candidate in the Social Sciences program at Birzeit University, preparing a dissertation entitled “The System of Control under Israeli Military Rule in the Areas Colonized in 1967, between 1967 and 1981, Agricultural Bio-Power as an Introduction”. He has a master's degree in Israeli studies from al-Quds University, where his master's dissertation, “Israel and Hamas: The Dialectic of Repulsion, Interaction and Negotiation (1987-2014)”, was published. He specializes in Palestinian and Israeli affairs.

email address: [email protected]

Qasam al-Haj, Lecturer in the Philosophy and Cultural Studies department and Ph.D. candidate in the Social Sciences program at Birzeit University. She is preparing a dissertation entitled “Teaching Palestine: Palestinian Liberatory Academia in Palestinian Universities 1977-2018.” She completed a master's degree in contemporary Arabic studies at the same university, with a dissertation entitled “The Palestinian Political Song: The Epic and the Narrative”, and she has a diploma in education. Her research interests are centered on interdisciplinary fields, studying the intersection of cultural studies, Palestinian identity, and contemporary Arab studies.

email address: [email protected]

Ali Musa, Lecturer in the Philosophy and Cultural Studies department and PhD candidate in the Social Sciences program at Birzeit University, preparing a dissertation entitled “Memory of Childhood Places in Palestinian Autobiography”. He has a master's in contemporary Arab studies from the same university and is interested in studying individual and collective memory and their relationship with identity, place, time and childhood, in the framework of Palestinian social history through autobiographies, memoirs and diaries.

email address: [email protected]

Asma' al-Sharbati, University lecturer and PhD candidate in Social Sciences at Birzeit University, preparing a dissertation entitled “Studying the Representation of Palestinian Identity in Palestinian National Curricula”. She has a master's degree in International Cooperation and Development (MICAD) from Bethlehem University and is an instructor in the field of Employability/Soft skills and a consultant on designing courses on communication skills. She is interested in the sociology of education and the training sector in Palestine.

email address: [email protected]

Abd al-Jawad Omar, Lecturer in the Philosophy and Cultural Studies department and PhD candidate in the Social Sciences program at Birzeit University, preparing a dissertation entitled “Formations of Resistances: The Second Palestinian Intifada”. He has a master's degree in international studies and economics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, and a bachelor's degree from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He is interested in studying resistance and revolutionary violence as a political and socio-psychological condition that has helped to shape Palestinian identity.

email address: [email protected]

Table of Contents
مفهمة فلسطين الحديثة
من أروقة المحاكم الاستعمارية إلى الأرض: الصراع اليومي على الزمان والمكان في الأغوار الفلسطينية
سؤال الديموغرافيا: بين التوجهات الفلسطينية والإسرائيلية الراهنة
الاشمئزاز كآلية استعمارية: الاستعمار الصهيوني نموذجاً
حظر التجوّل والإغلاقات العسكرية: اعتقال الزمكان الفلسطيني وتحريره
أبعاد الهوية الفلسطينية في سير ذاتية ومذكرات من نابلس (1948 –1967)
صور الفاعلية في الكتب المدرسية الفلسطينية
ما-بعد فلسطين: الخطاب الثقافي الفلسطيني وتراجيديا الهزيمة
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