القدس من خلال العيون الإنجيليّة: لقاءات غربيّة من القرن التاسع عشر مع المسيحيّة الفلسطينيّة
British travelers
Christian Zionism
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Evangelical Protestantism
nineteenth century
Orthodox Christianity
Palestinian Christians
Author biography: 

Gabriel Polley completed his PhD in Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter in 2020, focusing on the representation of Palestine in British travel literature, 1840–1914. In 2014–15 Polley worked in Palestine and attended Birzeit University in the West Bank. His research interests center on European colonialism and support for settler-colonial projects in late Ottoman Palestine, extending to the contemporary political ramifications of this period of Palestine’s history. He is currently working on a monograph on this topic, to be published in 2022 by I. B. Tauris.