״نحن بنينا هذه البلاد": مواطنون فلسطينيّون في صناعة البناء في إسرائيل، 1948–73
oral history
political economy
gender and sexuality
military administration
Author biography: 

Nimrod Ben Zeev is a fellow at the Polonsky Academy for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. He thanks the interviewees and their families, including those whose narratives are not included here, for their openness, thoughtfulness, and hospitality. He also thanks Assaf Adiv, Fady Asleh, ‘Issa Boursheh, Leena Dallasheh, Suheil Diab, Anis, Layla, and Hanna Khoury, and Shira Robinson; as well as On Barak, Ayelet Brinn, Kathy Brown, Basma Fahoum, Dotan Halevy, Naama Maor, Sherene Seikaly, Heather Sharkey, Paraska Tolan Szkilnik, Eve Troutt Powell, the editors of JQ, the participants of the 2019 New Directions in Palestinian Studies workshop at Brown University, where an earlier version of this article was first presented, and two anonymous reviewers, for their thoughtful comments and suggestions on this article. This research was supported by the Social Sciences Research Council’s International Dissertation Research Fellowship, the Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, and the University of Pennsylvania Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy’s Graduate Fellowship.