تجليات الهوية: الواقع المعاش للاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان
Institute for Palestine Studies
Année de publication: 
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Co-published with the Institut francais du Proche-Orient (IFPO). 

Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon are often discussed in sensationalist or objectified terms in the context of various crises. The essays collected in this volume attempt to look beyond the crises, undertaking to examine the Lived reality of Palestinians in Lebanon and the variety of ways in which they manifest their Palestinian identity. How do they perceive themselves? What forms does their Palestinian identity take and in what ways has it been influenced by their host environment? How do their practices of Palestinian-ness affect or interact with their surroundings? How has their status in Lebanon changed in the six decades since their displacement by Israel? In what ways are they rendered invisible by the Lebanese authorities and Lebanese society at Large? How is this invisibility related to the status of other Palestinian communities both inside and outside Palestine?  How do they view the prospect of their return to Palestine? These essays discuss numerous aspects of Palestinian life in Lebanon, from the urbanization of the refugee camps to the self-perception of young people. They also consider various forms of Palestinian identity-making, from marriage to rap music.

Contributors: Muhammad Ali Khalidi and Diane Riskedahl, Jihane Sfeir, Rima Afifi and Maya El Shareef, Sari Hanafi, Mohamed Kamel Dorai, Sylvain Perdigon, Nicolas Puig, Laleh Khalili.

À propos de l’auteur

Muhammad Ali Khalidi is a professor of Philosophy at York University in Toronto, and was as a research consultant for the Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut. He has worked on philosophical aspects of the question of Palestine including refugee rights, the right of political self-determination, and the right of return.

Table of Contents
A Note on Transliteration
Notes on Contributors
The Lived Reality of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
Palestinians in Lebanon: The Birth of the "Enemy Within"
How do Palestinian Youth in the Diaspora Self Identify?: The Case of Burj al-Barajneh Camp in Lebanon
Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Laboratory of Indocile Identity Formation
From Camp Dwellers to Urban Refugees?: Urbanization and Marginalization of Refugee Camps in Lebanon
Bachelors' Corniche: Transnationality and the Unmaking of Intimacy Among Palestinian Youths in Jal al-Bahr, South Lebanon
"Welcome to the Camps": the Emergence of Palestinian Rap in Lebanon, a New Social and Political Song
Palestinians: The Politics of Control, Invisibility, and the Spectacle