Le Liban : de la guerre à l'histoire Hourani : Political Society in Lebanon ; Salamé : Lebanon's Injured Identities : Who Reprensents Whom During a Civil War? Saidi : Economic Consequences of the War in Lebanon ; Buheiry : Beirut's Role in the Political Economy of the French Mandate, 1919-1939 ; Shehadi : The Idea of Lebanon, Economy and State in the Cénacle Libanais ; Cooke : Women Write War, the Centring of the Beirut Decentrists ; Salam : Prospects for Lebanon, An Essay in Political Opportunities and Constraints ; Salam : Mythes et politiques au Liban ; Shehadi et Mills (ed.) : Lebanon : a History of Conflict and Consensus ; Salibi : A House of Many Mansions, The History of Lebanon Reconsidered
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