The Third Annual Palestine Forum, 2025
January 20 2025

The Third Annual Palestine Forum, organized by the Institute for Palestine Studies and the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, begins on Saturday, 25 January 2025, in Doha. The Forum will run for three days until 27 January.

This year’s Forum takes place against the backdrop of the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip and the ramped-up aggression in the West Bank. Several sessions of the Forum are devoted to addressing various aspects of the genocide, from the perspectives of international law, global solidarity, and the study of spaciocide, genocide, culturicide, and scholasticide. The sessions also address post-war scenarios and how to address them, women in wartime, digital activism, and symbolic representations of Palestinian resistance.

In addition, the sessions cover matters of the Palestine question more generally, such as the apartheid and settler colonial systems, the Nakba, Palestinian refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, and Palestinian prisoners. Several public symposiums will examine issues surrounding Palestinian current affairs.

The Annual Palestine Forum is the world’s leading annual academic event dedicated to the topic, offering unparalleled academic quality and research diversity, and gathering researchers from around the globe.

This forum has become an important funnel for academic research on Palestine, and has gained an Arab and international reputation, attracting a global audience of those interested in the many dimensions of the Palestine question. It represents a unique space to exchange knowledge and ideas on the subject and network with the most important scholars of the field.

The third round will see 90 peer-reviewed papers will be presented, selected from 560 initial applications, of which 200 proposals were accepted. The research will be presented in parallel specialized panels, alongside several public symposium.

* For more information, please see the conference agenda.

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