The authors examine Israel’s use of international humanitarian law (IHL) to justify actions in Gaza that amount to genocide. They contend that Israel’s settler-colonial agenda systematically strips Palestinians of their rights, transforming Gaza into a site of extreme violence, segregation, and mass annihilation. The authors discuss how Israel’s tactics include mass expulsions, destruction of civilian infrastructure, and the use of distorted legal discourse to present these actions as compliant with IHL, despite their genocidal nature. They show that the appropriation of IHL serves as a legal-political strategy to mask atrocities while framing Gaza’s Palestinian population as a “terrorist” group to be eliminated. Ultimately, this installment raises urgent concerns about how such legal distortions may enable future genocides globally, under the guise of lawful warfare.
book Series:
Humanitarian Camouflage: Israel Rewrites the Laws of War to Legitimize Genocide in Gaza
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