Journal of Palestine Studies, Issue 206
July 18 2023

To claim a Palestinian Indigenous sovereignty is to begin the task of translating Palestinian ways of being, knowing, and resisting into the concept of sovereignty in order to further develop a distinctly Palestinian conception. –Jamal Nabulsi

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the release of the second issue of the Journal of Palestine Studies for 2023. The issue features an article by Jamal Nabulsi that theorizes Palestinian sovereignty and argues that “Palestinian Indigenous sovereignty is the embodied political claim to the land of Palestine.” The article, along with a review of The Common Camp: Architecture of Power and Resistance in Israel-Palestine by Irit Katz and The Palestinian Prisoners Movement: Resistance and Disobedience by Julie M. Norman, reviewed by Basil Farraj, is free to all readers, along with our Letter from the Editors.

Other pieces in this issue include articles by Jørgen Jensehaugen exploring the ways in which photographer Robert Capa made Israel by erasing Palestine in his photos (open access); Mais Qandeel argues that Israeli settler violence against Palestinians violates international law (open access), and Chin-chin Yap writes about Palestinian aviation diplomacy and the way it was utilized by Palestinians as a tool of resistance. This issue features two reflection essays: one by Johnny Mansour about a mansion built by Mustafa Pasha al-Khalil during the Ottoman period and its destruction by Israeli neglect and another by Ahmad Amara about the dispossession of Palestinians in Silwan through the use of Israeli laws and settler organizations. In this issue, three scholars remember the late Elia Zureik: Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Salim Tamari, and Lana Tatour. The issue also contains another book review by Jennifer Mogannam of Reclaiming Humanity in Palestinian Hunger Strikes: Revolutionary Subjectivity and Decolonizing the Body by Ashjan Ajour.

Happy Reading!

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