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Nakba and Survival: The Story of Palestinians Who Remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948-1956 was published in Arabic in 2016 by the Institute for Palestine Studies. This year, an English translation of the book was published in collaboration with New Directions in Palestinian Studies at the University of California Press.
Beginning in 1948, Israeli paramilitary forces began violently displacing Palestinian Arabs from Palestine. Nakba and Survival tells the stories of Palestinians in Haifa and the Galilee during, and in the decade after, mass dispossession. Manna uses oral histories and Palestinian and Israeli archives, diaries, and memoirs to meticulously reconstruct the social history of the Palestinians who remained and returned to become Israeli citizens. This book focuses in particular on the Galilee, using the story of Manna’s own family and their village Majd al-Krum after the establishment of Israel to shed light on the cruelties faced by survivors of the military regime. While scholars of the Palestinian national movement have often studied Palestinian resistance to Israel as related to the armed struggle and the cultural struggle against the Jewish state, Manna shows that remaining in Israel under the brutality of occupation and fighting to return to Palestinian communities after displacement are acts of heroism in their own right.
The PDF of the English publication can be downloaded for free here.
Adel Manna is a professor of history and a historian who specializes in history of Palestine during the Ottoman period and the Palestinians in the 20th century. He published ten books and over 30 articles on the aforementioned topics. The Institute for Palestine Studies has published three of his books in Arabic on Ottoman Palestine, as well as Nakba and Survival: The Story of Palestinians Who Remained in Haifa and the Galilee, 1948-1956 (2016) which has been translated to English and republished this year by the Institute and UC Press. He taught in several universities since the early 1980's including Bir Zeit and the Hebrew University. He recently concluded writing a biography of the Palestinian leader Ahmad Helmi Pasha (1882-1963) which is forthcoming.
Dr. Maha Nassar is an associate professor in the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies at the University of Arizona, where she specializes in the cultural and intellectual history of the modern Arab world. She holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago. Her award-winning book, Brothers Apart: Palestinian Citizens of Israel and the Arab World (Stanford University Press, 2017), examines how Palestinian intellectuals inside the Green Line connected to global decolonization movements through literary and journalistic writings. Her scholarly articles have appeared in the Journal of Palestine Studies, Arab Studies Journal, and elsewhere. A 2018 Public Voices Fellow with the OpEd Project, Dr. Nassar’s analysis and opinion pieces have appeared widely, including in The Washington Post, The Conversation and +972 Magazine. As a 2022 non-resident fellow at the Foundation for Middle East Peace, she joins FMEP in developing public programming, including podcasts and webinars. Dr. Nassar’s current book project is a global history of Palestine’s people.
Dr. Areej Sabbagh-Khoury is senior lecturer of sociology and anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research interests lie in political and historical sociologies, settler colonialism, memory, indigenous studies, and critical social theory. Her forthcoming book Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and The Making of the Palestinian Nakba (Stanford University Press) examines encounters between kibbutz settlers and Palestinian inhabitants in Northern Palestine’s Jezreel Valley before, during, and after 1948. Drawing on resources uncovered in the settler colonial archive, it demonstrates the coloniality of socialist Zionist settlers’ practices of purchase, expropriation, and accumulation by dispossession and how their representation of the past facilitated disavowal of the indigenous right to sovereignty. Sabbagh-Khoury received her Ph.D. in sociology from Tel Aviv University and has held postdoctoral appointments at Columbia, New York, Brown, and Tufts Universities. Sabbagh-Khoury has extensive research and teaching experience at leading universities including Columbia University, New York University, Brown and Tuft Universities. Her research has been generously supported by institutions like Fulbright, PARC; New York University, Columbia and Tufts University, and lately Guggenheim. She has published articles in different journals such as Politics and Society, Theoretical Sociology, Theory and Society, and Current Sociology. She is a member of the board of Mada al-Carmel—Arab Center for Applied Social Studies and its academic research committee.