Palestine Rises in Rebellion
Unity Intifada
Prisoners' Document
Palestinian National Congress
right of return

In this reflection, translated by Tarif Khalidi, Palestinian political prisoner Abdel Razeq Farraj argues that the “Unity Intifada” of 2021 demonstrated the commitment of Palestinians across the fragmented territories of Palestine to ending colonialism and achieving freedom, self-determination, and the right of return. He cautions against letting the moment pass without consolidating the uprising’s gains and offers the Prisoners’ Document and the latest resolutions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council as the bases for a unified platform to undergird a comprehensive and strategic national dialogue. Such an exercise would entail rebuilding the PLO, which continues to be regarded as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the embodiment of Palestinian national identity, as a truly democratic, transparent, and inclusive body.

Author biography: 

Abdel Razeq Farraj is a Palestinian political prisoner who has spent a total of eighteen years in the Israeli prison system, ten and a half of them in so-called administrative detention, held without charge or trial. He has been awaiting trial since his rearrest in 2019.