The Virtues of Jerusalem: An Analytical Study and Critical Reconstruction of "Fada'il Bayt al-Maqdis" by al-Walid Bin Hammad al-Ramli
مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية والمكتبة الخالدية
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For Muslims all over the world, and for Palestinians and peoples of the Levant in particular, Jerusalem’s sacred status and revered significance were kept alive and thriving throughout various ages, and were expressed through various means, such as pilgrimage, vows, and deep-rooted passion for its wellbeing and protection. As such, Jerusalem was ingrained in people’s minds in a way that combines reality with fiction. This book examines the historical and religious foundations of Jerusalem’s significance for Muslims, in its dual-dimension heritage, the Islamic and the Judeo-Christian. It includes also an analysis and a close look at the book titled, “The Virtues of Jerusalem”, by Walid bin Hammad Al Ramli, who died around AH 300 (912 Gregorian). Al Ramli’s book is the first work written specifically about the virtues of Jerusalem. It portrays accurately how early Muslims viewed the city while dispelling many erroneous assumptions repeated by modern day historians. Since its publication, it became the basic reference for all subsequent books written about the virtues of Jerusalem.

This book is being published as part of a series of scientific studies about Jerusalem’s history and the Khalidi Library. The project is a joint collaboration between the Khalidi Library and IPS to commemorate 120 years since the Library’s establishment date.

The publication of the book was made possible thanks to a grant by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development managed by Welfare Association - Taawon.


Professor of History and Islamic Thought at Smith College University, and an associate member in Nant Institute for Advanced Studies. He earned his MA in History from the American University of Beirut, and his PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies from Yale.