Israeli Military Spending over 35 Years: Assessment of the Burdens and Finances of Militarization
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تطور الإنفاق العسكري في إسرائيل
حرب لبنان وكلفتها على اسرائيل
تسلح إسرائيل في الثمانينات
كلفة الأمن الاسرائيلي
الميزانية العسكرية الإسرائيلية
التمويل الخارجي للتسلح الاسرائيلي
الاستهلاك العسكري الاسرائيلي
This work reveals some important truths about the overall costs of militarization in Israel, both overt and covert, over a period of 35 years from the establishment of the state until 1983. The three sections discuss: the development of military spending in Israel in parallel with the arms race precipitated by the establishment of Israel in the region and the wars it waged, the real cost of “Israeli security” (which is not usually mentioned in official statistics, such as the costs of settlement), and the indicators that determine the costs that militarization imposes on the Israeli economy.