The Diaries of Khalil Sakakini. Volume Two: Orthodox Renaissance, World War I, Exile to Damascus
Edited by
Akram Mousallam
Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Ramallah, and The Institute of Jerusalem Studies
Publication Year: 
Number of Pages: 
سلطانة السكاكيني
سير ذاتية فلسطينية
سري السكاكيني
الجنرال اللنبي
موسى العلمي
صور لخليل السكاكيني
صور عائلة السكاكيني
عادل مناع

This book is the second of three volumes of The diaries of Khalil Sakakini, which are being issued by the Institute of Jerusalem Studies and the Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center in Ramallah. This volume covers the period from 1914 to 1918, which includes the end of Ottoman rule over Palestine and the entry of General Allenby into Jerusalem. It also describes some aspects of the struggle within the Orthodox church between the Greek clergy and Arab congregation. In addition, this volume discusses the Orthodox renaissance and it tells the story of Sakakini’s own arrest and exile to Damascus. Sakakini was a brilliant Palestinian intellectual who was heavily involved in the national struggle and in social and cultural affairs. His memoirs convey the spirit of the age that he lived in and serve as a rich source of material for the historian and social scientist. This volume of his personal memoirs covers a momentous period in Arab history, which witnessed the decline of the Ottoman empire and the rising influence of the British empire in the region, with disastrous consequences for the Palestinian people and the Arab world. Events began to unravel with the proclamation of the Balfour declaration and the increase in Jewish immigration to Palestine. The importance of the Khalil Sakakini diaries stems from their intimate connections to events in Palestine during this period and to the fact that they convey the quality of daily life at the same time.


Khalil Sakakini (1878 - 1953) is a Palestinian writer and educator. Born in Jerusalem, Sakakini's early life was devoted to Arab letters. During the mandate period, Sakakini continued his advocacy of public education. He participated in the early Palestinian national movement, and his diaries are an important source for scholars of the period. He is best remembered for his books on teaching Arabic to beginners.