This book is the second of three volumes, which present the Palestinian version of events of the stalled peace process on the Palestinian-Israeli track. The version presented here is the eyewitness account, supported by documents and hard evidence, of a Palestinian official who participated in most if not all the events that took place between 1995 and early 2001. Quray’s account relates the facts of this very eventful period from the point of view of the personal experience of a man who shouldered daunting negotiating responsibilities. This personal dimension endows the account with additional value, since the narrator is an official, a witness, and a negotiator, who presided over minute details, and negotiated with five successive Israeli prime ministers in the less than five years covered by this book. This publication answers a number of questions that have been posed about the peace negotiations, and forcefully responds to prevailing Israeli claims about the Camp David talks. The author refutes the allegation that the Palestinians rejected the Israeli arm that was outstretched in peace, turned down the “generous offer” of Ehud Barak, and missed an opportunity for peace at Camp David.
The Complete Palestinian Version of the Negotiations: From Oslo to the Road Map. 2. The Camp David Negotiations (Taba and Stockholm), 1995-2000
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شمعون بيرس
بنيامين نتنياهو
أريئيل شارون
واي ريفر
الصراع العربي الاسرائيلي
النزاع العربي الاسرائيلي
الشرق الاوسط
النزاع الفلسطيني الاسرائيلي
شرم الشيخ
قاعدة اندروز
بيل كلينتون
صور عن اوسلو
صور عن مفاوضات السلام
صور لاحمد قريع