`Abdullah, `Abd al-Khaliq. "The End of Political Science?" [in Arabic]. MUI 27, no. 3 (Fall 99): 7-44.
Abou Diab, Khattar. "Islamisme: Revers ou Faillité." Arabies, no. 154 (Oct. 99): 14-23.
Afrasiabi, Kaveh L. "The Contestation of Civilizations and Interreligious Dialogue." IrJIA 11, no. 3 (Fall 99): 338-61.
Bourdieu, Pierre, interview. "Un sociologue dans le monde: Rencontre avec Pierre Bourdieu." REP, no. 22 (Win. 00): 3-13.
Lewis, Bernard. "Islam and Liberal Democracy." Common Knowledge 7, no. 3 (Win. 98): 84-103.
Mitchell, Timothy. "Orientalism and the Exhibitionary Order" [in Hebrew]. Jama'a 5 (99): 73-100.
Sadria, Modjtaba. "Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Japan." IrJIA 11, no. 2 (Sum. 99): 259-73.
Audeh, Sadeq I. "The Arab College in Jerusalem, 1918-1948: Facts and Reminiscences" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 40 (Fall 99): 170-88.
Davidson, Lawrence. "The State Department and Zionism, 1917-1945: A Reevaluation." MEP 7, no. 1 (Oct. 99): 21-37.
Fleischmann, Ellen. "Selective Memory, Gender and Nationalism: Palestinian Women Leaders of the Mandate Period." History Workshop, no. 47 (Spr. 99): 141-58.
Sarfatti, Tami. "The Impact of the West': Mustafa Kamil and Juliette Adam, 1895-1908" [in Hebrew]. Jama'a 5 (99): 9-34.
Yilmas, Suhnaz. "An Ottoman Warrior Abroad: Enver PaÕa as an Expatriate." MES 35, no. 4 (Oct. 99): 40-69.
AHR (American Historical Review)
ALQ (Arab Law Quarterly)
BRCME (Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East)
BRIJMES (British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies)
BSOAS (British Society of Oriental and African Studies)
DH (Diplomatic History)
ERS (Ethnic and Racial Studies)
FA (Foreign Affairs)
IrJIA (Iranian Journal of International Affairs)
IsS (Israel Studies)
IsSB (Israel Studies Bulletin)
JAOS (Journal of the American Oriental Society)
JP (Jerusalem Post, International Edition)
JRAS (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society)
JSAMES (Journal of South Asian and Middle East Studies)
MA (al-Mustaqbal al-`Arabi)
MDF (Majalla al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEI (Middle East International)
MEJ (Middle East Journal)
MEP (Middle East Policy)
MES (Middle Eastern Studies)
MESA (Middle East Studies Association Bulletin)
MEWSR (Middle East Women's Studies Review)
MUI (Majallat al-`Ulum al-Ijtima`iyya)
MWBR (Muslim World Book Review)
NERFACIT (Newsletter of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey)
NYTBR (New York Times Book Review)
PS (Political Studies)
PSQ (Political Science Quarterly)
PIJPEC (Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
REP (Revue d'Études Palestiniennes)
SA (Shu'un al-Awsat)
SD (al-Siyasa al-Duwaliyya)
SF (al-Siyasa al-Filastiniyya)
ShA (Shu'un `Arabiyya)
SI (Samid al-Iqtisadi)
SP (Social Politics)
SR (Strategic Review)
WPBW (Washington Post Book World)
Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz