Bibliography of Periodical Literature
نبذة مختصرة: 

el-Affendi, Abdelwahab. "Islam and the Future of Dissent after the 'End of History.'" Futures 31, no. 2 (Mar. 99): 191-204.
    Arfoui, Hassan, and Robert Santo-Martino. "Desenchantements et Postmodernité." Mars, nos. 10-11 (99): 55-96.
    Arkoun, Mohamed. "La Raison Emergente." Mars, nos. 10-11 (99): 97-112.
    Chami, Hassan. "Aux origines intellectuelles du reformisme." Mars, nos. 10-11 (99): 177-87.
    Filali-Ansary, Abdou. "Muslims and Democracy." Journal of Democracy 10, no. 3 (Jul. 99): 18-32.
    Ghalioun, Burhan. "La lumpen modernité." Mars, nos. 10-11 (99): 127-44.
    Hoebink, Michel. "Thinking About Renewal in Islam: Towards a History of Islamic Ideas on Modernization and Secularization." Arabica 46, no. 1 (Jan. 99): 199-217.
    Huntington, Samuel P. "Le choc des civilisations, acte II." PI, no. 82 (Win. 98-99): 25-36.
    Kennedy, Robert. "Is One Person's Terrorist Another's Freedom Fighter? Western and Islamic Approaches to 'Just War' Compared." TPV 11, no. 1 (Spr. 99): 1-21.
    Mozaffari, Mehdi. "Can a Declined Civilization Be Reconstructed? Islamic Civilization or Civilized Islam." International Relations 14, no. 3 (Dec. 98): 31-50.
    al-Nowaihi, Magda M. "Committed Postmodernity: Mohamed Berrada's The Game of Forgetting." Critique, no. 15 (Fall 99): 1-24.
    Pipes, Daniel. "Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad's Diplomacy." MEQ 6, no. 3 (Sep. 99): 65-72.
    Redissi, Hamadi. "D'une tradition plurielle à une modernité autoritaire." Mars, nos. 10-11 (99): 145-60.
    Whalen, John F. "In Search of Jihad: Toward a Policy of Constructive Islamic Engagement." Brown Journal of World Affairs 5, no. 1 (Win.-Spr. 98): 279-93.
    Whine, Michael. "Islamist Organizations on the Internet." TPV 11, no. 1 (Spr. 99): 123-32.

Abu al-Dahab, Randa. "The Colonial Settlements as an Obstacle to a Palestinian State" [in Arabic]. SI 21, no. 118 (Oct.-Dec. 99): 128-37.
    Afifi, Muhammad. "The State and the Church in Nineteenth-Century Egypt." WI 39, no. 3 (Nov. 99): 273-88.
    al-Da`mi, Muhammad A. "Orientalism and Arab-Islamic History: An Inquiry into the Orientalists' Motives and Compulsions." ASQ 20, no. 4 (Fall 98): 1-11.
    DeVries, Kelly. "The Lack of a Western European Response to the Ottoman Invasions of Eastern Europe from Nicopolis (1396) to Mohacs (1526)." Journal of Military History 63, no. 3 (Jul. 99): 539-60.
    Ener, Mine. "Prohibitions of Begging and Loitering in Nineteenth-Century Egypt." WI 39, no. 3 (Nov. 99): 319-39.
    Fahmy, Khaled. "The Police and the People in Nineteenth-Century Egypt." WI 39, no. 3 (Nov. 99): 340-77.
    Gershoni, Israel. "Egyptian Liberalism in an Age of 'Crisis of Orientation': al-Risla's Reaction to Fascism and Nazism, 1933-39." IJMES 31, no. 4 (Nov. 99): 551-76.
    Grant, Jonathan. "Rethinking the Ottoman 'Decline': Military Technology Diffusion in the Ottoman Empire, Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries." Journal of World History 10, no. 1 (Spr. 99): 179-201.
    Hamduni, Saleh. "The National Liberation League and Its Position on the Palestine Partition Resolution" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 114 (Oct.-Dec. 98): 170-83.
    Khairi, Fasal S. "The Historical Dimensions of the State of Palestine: Palestine Trade in the Ancient Times" [in Arabic]. SI 21, no. 118 (Oct.-Dec. 99): 138-57.
    Khalidi, Walid. "The Establishment of the Jewish State, 1897-1948: The Military Instrument" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 39 (Sum. 99): 65-103.
    Khalilieh, Hassan S. "The Legal Opinion of Maliki Jurists Regarding Andalusian Muslim Pilgrims Travelling by Sea during the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries CE." MHR 14, no. 1 (Jun. 99): 59-69.
    Krayyem, Muhammad A. "The Attitude of the Five Great Powers toward the Partition Resolution" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 114 (Oct.-Dec. 98): 154-70.
    Peters, Rudolph. "Administrators and Magistrates: The Development of a Secular Justice in Egypt, 1842-1871." WI 39, no. 3 (Nov. 99): 378-97.
    Reimer, Michael J. "Urban Government and Administration in Egypt, 1805-1914." WI 39, no. 3 (Nov. 99): 289-318.
    Richards, D. S. "Edward Lane's Surviving Arabic Correspondence." JRAS 9, no. 1 (3d series) (Apr. 99): 1-25.
    Rose, Susan. "Islam versus Christendom: The Naval Dimension, 1000-1600." Journal of Military History 63, no. 3 (Jul. 99): 561-78.
    Schein, Sylvia. "Bridget of Sweden, Margery Kempe and Women's Jerusalem Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages." MHR 14, no. 1 (Jun. 99): 44-58.
    Sheffy, Yigal. "The Origins of the British Breakthrough into South Palestine: The ANZAC Raid on the Ottoman Railway, 1917." Journal of Strategic Studies 22, no. 1 (Mar. 99): 124-47.
    Shelley, Michael T. "Temple Gairdner of Cairo Revisited." Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 10, no. 3 (Oct. 99): 261-78.
    Shreih, Asmahan. "The Role of France in the Creation of Israel" [in Arabic]. SI 20, no. 114 (Oct.-Dec. 98): 143-53.
    Yazbak, Mahmoud. "The Municipality of a Muslim Town: Nablus 1868-1914." AO 67, no. 3 (Aug. 99): 339-60.

Bibliography Source Abbreviations
AJIL(American Journal of International Law)
AO(Archív Orientální)
ASQ(Arab Studies Quarterly)
BRCME(Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East)
DOMES(Digest of Middle East Studies)
IJMES(International Journal of Middle East Studies)
IsA(Israel Affairs)
JP(Jerusalem Post, International Edition)
JPR(Journal of Peace Research)
JQF(Jerusalem Quarterly File)
JRAS(Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society)
MA(Al-Mustaqbal al-`Arabi)
MDF(Majalla al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEI(Middle East International)
MEP(Middle East Policy)
MEQ(Middle East Quarterly)
MER(Middle East Report)
MES(Middle Eastern Studies)
MHR(Mediterranean Historical Review)
NYRB(New York Review of Books)
NYTBR(New York Times Book Review)
PI(Politique Internationale)
PIJPEC(Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
REP(Revue d'études Palestiniennes)
SA(Shu'un al-Awsat)
SD(Security Dialogue)
SF(al-Siyasa al-Filastiniyya)
ShA(Shu'un `Arabiyya)
SI(Samid al-Iqtisadi)
TLS(Times Literary Supplement)
TPV(Terrorism and Political Violence)
WI(Welt des Islams)
WLT(World Literature Today)
WPBW(Washington Post Book World)
WR(Washington Report on Middle East Affairs)
WT(Washington Times)

Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz