Reference and General
Alexander, C. "Re-imagining the Muslim Community." Innovation 11, no. 4 (98): 439-50.
Brown, Daniel. "Islamic Ethics in Contemporary Perspective." MW 89, no. 2 (Apr. 99): 181-92.
Silberman, Neil A. "Digging in the Land of the Bible." Archaeology 5, no. 51 (Sep.-Oct.): 36-45.
History(to 1948)and Geography
Abu-Husayn, Abdul-Rahim. "Duwayhi as a Historian of Ottoman Syria." BRIIFS 1, no. 1 (Spr. 99): 1-13.
Bergman, Elihu. "Unexpected Recognition: Some Observations on the Failure of a Last-Gasp Campaign in the State Department to Abort a Jewish State." Modern Judaism 19, no. 2 (May 99): 133-71.
Blaum, Paul A. "Eagles in the Sun: The Ayyubids after Saladin." IJKS 13, no. 1 (99): 105-80.
El-Eini, Roza I. "British Forestry Policy in Mandate Palestine 1929-48: Aims and Realities." MES 35, no. 3 (Jul. 99): 72-155.
El Fadl, Khaled A. "The Rules of Killing at War: An Inquiry into Classical Sources." MW 89, no. 2 (Apr. 99): 144-57.
Fuccaro, Nelida. "Communalism and the State in Iraq: The Yazidi Kurds, c. 1869-1940." MES 35, no. 2 (Apr. 99): 1-26.
Gabrielli, Francesco. "Saladin's Character." IJKS 13, no. 1 (99): 15-32.
Hafez, Fahmy. "The Crusades in the Era of Saladin." IJKS 13, no. 1 (99): 1-14.
Humphreys, R. S. "The Origins of the Ayyubid Confederacy." IJKS 13, no. 1 (99): 63-103.
Kushner, David. "The District of Jerusalem in the Eyes of Three Ottoman Governors at the End of the Hamidian Period." MES 35, no. 2 (Apr. 99): 83-102.
Lyons, M. C. "Saladin: Life and Legend." IJKS 13, no. 1 (99): 33-42.
Saeedpour, Vera B. "The Legacy of Saladdin." IJKS 13, no. 1 (99): 43-61.
Tzur, Eli. "The Silent Pact: Anti-Communist Co-operation Between the Jewish Leadership and the British Administration in Palestine." MES 35, no. 2 (Apr. 99): 103-31.
Bibliography source abbreviations
AMEL (Arab and Middle East Literature)
BRIIFS (Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies)
FFWA (Fletcher Forum of World Affairs)
ICMR (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations)
IJKS (International Journal of Kurdish Studies)
IJMES (International Journal of Middle East Studies)
IrJIA (Iranian Journal of International Affairs)
JCR (Journal of Conflict Resolution)
JECAIC (Journal of Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries)
JIS (Journal of Islamic Studies)
JP (Jerusalem Post, International Edition)
JSAMES (Journal of South Asian and Middle East Studies)
MA (al-Mustaqbal al-‘Arabi)
MDF (Majalla al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEI (Middle East International)
MEJ (Middle East Journal)
MES (Middle Eastern Studies)
MESA (Middle East Studies Association Bulletin)
MP (Mediterranean Politics)
MQ (Mediterranean Quarterly)
MUI (Majallat al-‘Ulum al-Ijtima‘iyya)
MW (Muslim World)
MWBR (Muslim World Book Review)
NI (Les Notes de l'Ifri)
PIJPEC (Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
PP (Political Psychology)
REP (Revue d'études Palestiniennes)
SA (Shu'un al-Awsat)
SD (al-Siyasa al-Duwaliyya)
ShA (Shu'un ‘Arabiyya)
TIBR (Thunderbird International Business Review)
TLS (Times Literary Supplement)
WJW (Washington Jewish Week)
WLT (World Literature Today)
WPBW (Washington Post Book World)
WR (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs)
Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz