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Shihabi, Ghassan. "Analyzing the Concept of Sovereignty" [in Arabic]. SI 21, nos. 115-16 (Jan.-Jun. 99): 32-47.
‘Abd al-Qadir, Radwa. "The Plans for a Palestinian State before the Creation of Israel" [in Arabic]. SI 21, nos. 115-16 (Jan.-Jun. 99): 192-22.
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Friedman, Isaiah. "Arnold Toynbee: Pro-Arab or Pro-Zionist?" IsS 4, no. 1 (Spr. 99): 73-95.
Joseph, Sabrina. "An Analysis of Khayr al-Din al-Ramli's Fatawa on Peasant Land Tenure in Seventeenth-Century Palestine." ASJ 6-7, nos. 1-2 (Fall 98-Spr. 99): 112-27.
Kolinsky, Martin. "After the Arab Rebellion, Part II: The Definition of Mandatory Palestine in British Strategy for the Eastern Mediterranean/Middle East Region 1941-42." IsA 5, no. 1 (Fall 98): 149-84.
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Tessler, Mark, and Jodi Nachtwey. "Palestinian Political Attitudes: An Analysis of Survey Data from the West Bank and Gaza." IsS 4, no. 1 (Spr. 99): 22-43.
Thabit, Ahmad. "The Role of the Palestinian Civil Society in State-Building" [in Arabic]. SI 21, nos. 115-16 (Jan.-Jun. 99): 137-52.
Yassin, ‘Abd al-Qadir. "The Challenge of Democracy for the Palestinian State" [in Arabic]. SI 21, nos. 115-16 (Jan.-Jun. 99): 153-67.
ALQ (Arab Law Quarterly)
ASJ (Arab Studies Journal)
BRCME (Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East)
BSOAS (British Society of Oriental and African Studies)
FA (Foreign Affairs)
IA (International Affairs)
ICMR (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations)
IsA (Israeli Affairs)
IsLR (Israel Law Review)
IsS (Israel Studies)
JR (Jerusalem Report)
JSAMES (Journal of South Asian and Middle East Studies)
MA (al-Mustaqbal al-‘Arabi)
MDF (Majalla al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEI (Middle East International)
MEIN (Middle East Insight)
MEJ (Middle East Journal)
MEP (Middle East Policy)
MEQ (Middle East Quarterly)
MUI (Majallat al-‘Ulum al-Ijtima‘iyya)
MW (Muslim World)
NYRB (New York Review of Books)
NYTBR (New York Times Book Review)
PE (Politique Etrangère)
PI (Politique Internationale)
PIJPEC (Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
PSQ (Political Science Quarterly)
REP(Revue d'études Palestiniennes)
SA (Shu'un al-Awsat)
SCT (Studies in Conflict and Terrorism)
SD (al-Siyasa al-Duwaliyya)
ShA (Shu'un ‘Arabiyya)
SI (Samid al-Iqtisadi)
TLS (Times Literary Supplement)
WLT (World Literature Today)
WPBW (Washington Post Book World)
WR (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs)
ZDMG (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl”ndischen Gesellschaft)
Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz