Bibliography of Periodical Literature
نبذة مختصرة: 

    Binder, Leonard. "Exceptionalism and Authenticity: The Question of Islam and Democracy." ASJ 6, no. 1 (Spr. 98): 33-59.
    Mazor, Yair, Ron Shapiro, Richard C. Lux, et al. "What Makes the Holy Land Holy?" DOMES 7, no. 2 (Spr. 98): 4-16.
    Piacenti, Valiria F. "Islamic Studies in Italy." Islamic Studies 36, no. 4 (Win. 97): 589-613.
    Simson, Uwe. "Samuel P. Huntington und Wir." Orient 38, no. 3 (97): 517-34.
    Sivan, Emmanuel. "The Holy War Tradition in Islam." Orbis 42, no. 2 (Spr. 98): 171-94.
    Vitalis, Robert. "Crossing Exceptionalism's Frontiers to Discover America's Kingdom." ASJ 6, no. 1 (Spr. 98): 10-31.
    Zebiri, Kate. "Muslim Anti-Secularist Discourse in the Context of Muslim-Christian Relations." ICMR 9, no. 1 (Mar. 98): 47-65.

    Abu Daya, Sa`d. "Jordanian Villages at the End of the 19th Century" [in Arabic]. AHROS, nos. 15-16 (Oct.-Nov. 97): 13-30.
    Bernstein, Deborah. "On Rhetoric and Commitment: The Employment of Married Women During the Depression of 1936-39." WSIF 20, nos. 5-6 (Sep. 97): 593-604.
    ______. "Strategies of Equalization, a Neglected Aspect of the Split Labour Market of Mandatory Palestine." ERS 21, no. 3 (May 98): 449-76.
    El-Eini, Roza I. M. "Trade Agreements and the Continuation of Tariff Protection Policy in Mandate Palestine in the 1930." MES 34, no. 1 (Jan. 98): 164-91.
    Farah, Caesar F. "Religion, Ethnicity and Conflict in the Syria Region." AHROS, nos. 15-16 (Oct.-Nov. 97): 135-47.
    Fisher, John. "Syria and Mesopotamia in British Middle East Policy in 1919." MES 34, no. 2 (Apr. 98): 129-70.
    Hassan, Narin. "Authorizing Access/Sustaining Desire: Montagu's Visible Harem." Public 16 (97): 87-97.
    Kahf, Mohja. "Huda Sha'rawi's Mudhakkirati: The Memoirs of the First Lady of Arab Modernity." ASQ 20, no. 1 (Win. 98): 53-82.
    Khalidi, Walid. "ONU 1947: La résolution de partage revisitée." REP, no. 14 (nouvelle série) (Win. 98): 3-14.
    ______. "Revisiting the UNGA Partition Resolution" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 33 (Win. 98): 3-25.
    Laurens, Henry. "Plan de partage de la Palestine: Le vote de France." MM, no. 159 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 3-11.
    ______. "La vie politique palestinienne avant 1948: Localisme ou panarabisme?" MM, no. 159 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 12-27.
    Mango, Andrew. "Turkey and the Enlargement of the European Mind." MES 34, no. 2 (Apr. 98): 171-92.
    Matar, Jamil. "The Arab Question Between Two Centuries" [in Arabic]. MA 20, no. 230 (Apr. 98): 4-17.
    Ortayli, Ilber. "Les écoles américains dans l'empire Ottoman: Leur statut legal et influences culturelles." AHROS, nos. 15-16 (Oct.-Nov. 97): 207-20.
    Power, Jane. "'Real Unions': Arab Organized Labor in British Palestine." ASQ 20, no. 1 (Win. 98): 13-28.
    Rafeq, Abdul K. "Waqf Agricultural Land in Ottoman Syria Between Social Groups and Islamic Law" [in Arabic]. AHROS, nos. 15-16 (Oct.-Nov. 97): 169-85.
    Rooney, Chris B. "The International Significance of British Naval Missions to the Ottoman Empire, 1908-14." MES 34, no. 1 (Jan. 98): 1-29.
    Sheehi, Stephen. "Epistemography of the Modern Arab Subject: Al-Mu`allim Butrus Al-Bustani's Khutbah Fi Adab-Al`Arab." Public 16 (97): 65-84.
    ______. "Unpacking Modern Arab Subjectivity: Reading al-Ma`allim Butrus al-Bustani's Nafir Suriya." ASJ 6, no. 1 (Spr. 98): 87-99.
    Suleiman, Mikhael. "Arab Emigrants to the United States, 1880-1940" [in Arabic]. MA 20, no. 230 (Apr. 98): 18-31.
    Teitelbaum, Joshua. "Sharif Husayn ibn Ali and the Hashemite Vision of the Post-Ottoman Order: From Chiefaincy to Suzerainty." MES 34, no. 1 (Jan. 98): 103-22.
    Wasti, Syed T. "Muhammad Inshaullah and the Hijaz Railway." MES 34, no. 2 (Apr. 98): 60-72.
    Yaghi, Isma`il A. "The Palestinian Revolt Against Muhammad `Ali (1250/1834)" [in Arabic]. AHROS, nos. 15-16 (Oct.-Nov. 97): 411-34.
    Yazbak, Mahmoud. "The Jewish Community in Haifa: A Case Study According to Sijill Records" [in Arabic]. AHROS, nos. 15-16 (Oct.-Nov. 97): 435-50.

    `Abd al-Karim, Ibrahim. "Islamic Waqfs in Palestine and Israeli Aggression on Them" [in Arabic]. ShA, no. 92 (Dec. 97): 48-63. Abdul-Shafi, Haider. "Interview." MEP 6, no. 1 (Jun. 98): 109-15.
    Abu Sanab, Ismail. "Interview." MEP 6, no. 1 (Jun. 98): 116-20.
    Balaj, Barbara. "Nouvelles approches pour le dبveloppement économique et social de al Cisjordanie et de la bande de Gaza." PE 62, no. 3 (Fall 97): 335-54.
    El-Fassed, Arjan. "European Involvement in Palestine: Political or Financial?" [in Arabic]. SF 5, no. 17 (Win. 98): 30-49.
    Fawaz, Zakaria. "L'بconomie de la Cisjordanie et de Gaza, 1948-1967." REP, no. 14 (nouvelle sبrie) (Win. 98): 42-53.
    Halévi, Ilan. "Le transfert des Palestiniens, une obsession centenaire: Une anthologie de textes et déclarations des principaux responsables juifs, 1891-1961." REP, no. 14 (nouvelle série) (Win. 98): 15-41.
    al-Hroub, Khaled. "Hamas' Approach to Ideology and International Relations." MEAJ 3, nos. 3-4 (Sum.-Fall 97): 135-45.
    Jarrar, Najih. "The Palestinian Refugees' Participation in Elections and Its Effect on Their Rights" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 33 (Win. 98): 77-90.
    Kanaaneh, Moslih. "The 'Anthropologicality' of Indigenous Anthropology." Dialectical Anthropology 22, no. 1 (Mar. 97): 1-21. Kayed, Aziz. "The Approach to Civic Education in the Palestinian Territories" [in Arabic]. SF 5, no. 17 (Win. 98): 156-72.
    Khalifeh, Sahar (interview). "The Country will be Filled with a Mixture of Personalities" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 33 (Win. 98): 129-47.
    Khamaisi, Rasim. "A Safe Passage or a Geopolitical Connection in the Palestinian State" [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 33 (Win. 98): 26-52.
    Kossaifi, George. "The Palestinian Refugees and the Right to Return" [in Arabic]. SA, no. 70 (Mar. 98): 75-99.
    Le Troquer, Yann, and Rozann H. Al Oudat. "Du Koweït à Jordanie, le retour suspendue des Palestiniens." REP, no. 14 (nouvelle série) (Win. 98): 54-70.
    Litvak, Meir. "The Islamization of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: The Case of Hamas." MES 34, no. 1 (Jan. 98): 148-63.
    Picaudou, Nadine. "La bourgeoisie d'affaires palesiniennes: trajectoires en diaspora." MM, no. 159 (Jan.-Mar. 98): 28-38.
    Qubba'a, Taysir. "The Ambiguities in the Relationship Between the PLO and the Palestinian National Authority" [in Arabic]. SF 4, no. 15 (Sum.-Aut. 97): 68-80.
    al-Sa'afiln, Abdullah. "Mosques, Resistance, and Political Communication in Palestine." MEAJ 3, nos. 3-4 (Sum.-Fall 97): 147-56.
    Sabella, Bernard, Abdullah Abu Eid, and Jamil Hammami. "The Relations Between Christians and Muslims in Palestine (Symposium)" [in Arabic]. SF 4, nos. 15-16 (Sum.-Aut. 97): 126-48.
    Shaaban, Hussein. "The Right of Return Between the UNRWA and the Refugee Committee" [in Arabic]. SA, no. 70 (Mar. 98): 61-73.
    UNCTAD Secretariat, with Ala'edeen Shawa, and the Development Research Centre, Gaza. "Palestinian Merchandise Trade in the 1990s: Opportunities and Challenges." UNCTAD UNCTAD/GDS/SEU/1 (23 Jan. 98): 1-96.
    Zureik, Elia. "Réfugiés: ٹtat des lieux. Deuxiثme partie: Les réfugiés dans les pays arabes et les territoires occupés." REP, no. 12 (nouvelle série) (Sum. 97): 6-31.

    Adiv, Udi. "Politics and Identity: A Critical Analysis of Israeli Historiography" [in Arabic]. SF 5, no. 17 (Win. 98): 6-29.
    Amir, Delila, and Orly Benjamin. "Defining Encounters: Who are the Women Entitled to Join the Israeli Collective?" WSIF 20, nos. 5-6 (Sep. 97): 639-50.
    Ashhab, Na`im. "One Hundred Years of Zionism" [in Arabic]. al-Tariq 57, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 98): 8-24.
    Benvenisti, Eyal. "Freedom of Speech in a Divided Society: Reflections After the Assassination of Prime Minister Rabin." ZAORV 57, no. 3 (97): 805-36.

AAAPSS         (Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences)
AHROS           (Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies)
ASJ               (Arab Studies Journal)
ASQ              (Arab Studies Quarterly)
BRCME           (Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East)
DH                (Diplomatic History)
DOMES          (Digest of Middle East Studies)
ERS               (Ethnic and Racial Studies)
IA                 (International Affairs)
ICMR             (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations)
IHR                (International History Review)
JC                 (Jewish Currents)
JP                 (Jerusalem Post International Edition)
JSAMES          (Journal of South Asian and Middle East Studies)
MA                (al-Mustaqbal al-`Arabi)
MD                (Le Monde Diplomatique)
MDF               (Majalla al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEAJ              (Middle East Affairs Journal)
MEI                (Middle East International)
MEP               (Middle East Policy)
MEQ               (Middle East Quarterly)
MES               (Middle Eastern Studies)
MM                (Maghreb-Machrek)
MQ                (Mediterranean Quarterly)
MW                (Muslim World)
MWBR             (Muslim World Book Review)
NPL                (Neue Politische Literatur)
NYTBR            (New York Times Book Review)
PE                 (Politique étrangere)
PIJPEC           (Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
PR                 (Palestine Report)
PSQ               (Political Science Quarterly)
REP                (Revue d'études Palestiniennes)
SA                 (Shu'un al-Awsat)
SF                 (al-Siyasa al-Filastiniya)
ShA               (Shu'un `Arabiyya)
TLS               (Times Literary Supplement)
WJW              (Washington Jewish Week)
WP                (Washington Post)
WR                (Washington Report on Middle East Studies)
WSIF             (Women's Studies International Forum)
ZAORV           (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht)

Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz