*AT 12PM ET / 7PM Palestine*
In April 2024, the Institute for the Understanding of Anti-Palestinian Racism (IUAPR) published the results of a national survey that explored the impact of anti-Palestinian racism on both Palestinians and their allies in their daily life. The results revealed key insights into how racism and discrimination against Palestinians have harmful effects on Palestinians and non-Palestinian allies advocating for Palestinian rights in the United States.
Anti-Palestinian racism affects both non-Palestinians and Palestinians. In this webinar, speakers will highlight the manifestations and subtleties of anti-Palestinian racism, key findings from their study, as well as health-related impact of anti-Palestinian racism. The webinar will include a Q&A segment.
The Institute for the Understanding of Anti-Palestinian Racism (IUAPR) consists of researchers, physicians, psychologists, and legal, anti-racist, and communication experts who are committed to empirically researching, educating, and advocating on the impact of anti-Palestinian racism on individuals and communities across all sectors of society.
Merrie Najimy (MA Ed) is a veteran Educator and the former President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association.
Lama Rimawi (MD, FAAP) is a pediatrician and co-founder of the Anti-Palestinian Racism Research Group. She is also a Board Member of Women for Peace: Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom.
Jess Ghannam (PhD) is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Global Health Sciences at UCSF and co-founder of the Anti-Palestinian Racism Research Group. He conducts research on Global Trauma in the MENA Region and has worked in Gaza for over 25 years establishing mental health clinics.