معرض طُبع في القدس: المعنى، الشكل، والرؤية
كلمات مفتاحية: 
New Mustamloun
Palestinian Museum
al-Karmil newspaper
Yusuf Nasr
Sixth Communique
political and cultural publications
نبذة مختصرة: 

In July 2020, while Palestinians were enduring lockdown and isolation to counter the COVID-19 pandemic, and health protocols hampered cultural institutions, the Palestinian Museum launched an online version of the exhibition “Printed in Jerusalem: Mustamloun,” (Tubi‘a fi al-Quds: mustamlun judud),1 originally scheduled to open in spring 2020. Reviewers Tarteel Muammar and Hasan Safadi take the readers on a tour of the exhibition, which was curated by Baha Jubeh and Abdel-Rahman Shabane, and share their observations within their critical and analytical framework, on the relationship of “printing” to the social, political, and economic conditions in Jerusalem, linking it to censorship, and the status of the city of Jerusalem. They attempt to raise questions about the vast trove of materials, which include historical prints and two hundred printing clichés, and knowledge presented, to stimulate debate and to invite further research into this subject from various perspectives.