نزع الطفولة، الاعتداء، وإبادة البيت: سرديّات التجارب المنزليّة في الانتفاضة الثانية
كلمات مفتاحية: 
oral history
Second Intifada
نبذة مختصرة: 

Trauma resulting from Israeli violence is embedded in the life stories narrated by Palestinians. Oral histories recorded with Palestinians who grew up during the Second Intifada reveal that the home is a central and critical location for Palestinians to trace their memories of war. It is in the intimate spaces of the home that such trauma is exposed. Though rarely addressed in mainstream news and academic publications, the Palestinian home is never immune from violence related to the larger armed conflict, and this has a particularly harmful impact on home’s youngest inhabitants. Israeli attacks on the home are part of a larger process of unchilding, that is, Israel’s use of Palestinian children as political capital.