Extending the 2021 Round Deadline
New Deadline: 15 January, 2021.
Ibrahim Dakkak Award for Outstanding Essay on Jerusalem
Ibrahim Dakkak Award for Outstanding Essay on Jerusalem will be awarded to an outstanding essay that addresses either contemporary or historical issues relating to Jerusalem. The winning submission will receive a prize of U.S. $1000 and will be published in the Jerusalem Quarterly.
Essays submitted for consideration should be 4,000 to 5,000 words in length (including footnotes), should be based on original research, and must not have been previously published elsewhere. Preference will be given to young/junior/aspiring/emerging/early career researchers and students.
Please submit essays and a short bio (including current or previous affiliation with a recognized university, research institution, or non-governmental organization that conducts research) via email to [email protected]
Any images should be submitted as separate files with resolution of at least 600 dpi if possible. Submitted images must have copyright clearance from owners.
The deadline for submissions is 15 January, 2021. A committee selected by Jerusalem Quarterly will determine the winning essay.