إلى سلوان في جرّافة؟: أدلّة سياحيّة فلسطينيّة للقدس ومحيطها
كلمات مفتاحية: 
travel guides
Ir David Foundation
Mount of Olives
Islamic art
نبذة مختصرة: 

A  review  of  two  Palestinian  guides to   Jerusalem   and   its   environs,   as well as sites in the West Bank, Gaza and historic Palestine: Wujood: The Grassroots Guide to Jerusalem (2019) and Pilgrimage, Sciences and Sufism: Islamic Art in the West Bank and Gaza (2004). The review explores the fate of Palestinian guides to Jerusalem amid the well-financed marketing campaigns of both the Israeli government and right-wing  settler  organizations  like the Ir David Foundation.